Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in New Jersey

Merry Christmas!!

Here I am in New Jersey with my family. Grandma and Grandpa have a big backyard, and these two doggies live across the fence, so we have been running up and down together all day.

I hope that you’re having as much fun as I am this Christmas! We’re visiting with everyone in the family, and I heard that tomorrow we get to chew paper.. I mean.. open presents. I just can’t wait. Here I am with my New Jersey friend Layla, telling each other what we hope that Santa will bring.

I told her that she should ask for an exercise machine, because she needs some more energy to keep up with me.

I hope that we can stay in New Jersey for a long time, because I am having so much fun with my friends and family. I am a very helpful puppy, too - I helped set up the train under the Christmas tree, and here I am helping with the chores in the kitchen.

Are you having fun this Christmas? Send me your photos! Tomorrow, I’ll show you all of the presents that I get. I hope you get everything that you asked for! Remember to tell your family that you love them for all of the wonderful things that they give you, like tug toys and meat drippings. Oh, I hope I get more tug toys from Santa..

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