Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me!

I'm three today!!!!

And I'm having a great birthday. I got presents, hung out with my friends at school, and, most importantly, I finished my dinner and had the puppy version of birthday cake - a great big cookie!

Since I'm famous, I also made sure to let the adoring public know about my birthday. I was Instagrammed and Facebooked of course. Then I got all sorts of love from Corgi nation when I was posted on The Daily Corgi's Facebook page:

You should check out the comments - people are saying the nicest things, like

"Happy Barkday!"
"Corgi Rock Star - wishing a very pawsome 3rd birthday!"
and my personal favorite...
"You are a Corgi through and through with your mind on the cookies and the cookies on your mind!"

It's only natural that I would have a fan club, since I am a beautiful Corgi, right? I appreciate my friends at The Daily Corgi letting everyone know about my big day!

Do you follow The Daily Corgi? You probably should, especially if you don't have four-leggeds around to make your home more hilarious. The Daily Corgi posts stuff that's sure to make you smile, like for example Corgi Valentines, and very important news coverage on topics such as the Royal Corgis. And, of course, rescues. Who doesn't love a good rescue story, saving both puppies' and people's lives daily?!

Also featured frequently on The Daily Corgi -

Fluffy butts :)

Now, I must be going. The very last item on my birthday to-do list is to snuggle my fluffy butt up to my family and listen to them say how much they love me over and over and over again. Happy birthday to me!!!

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